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Journey Begins


Life is full of choices and there are no wrong decisions but rather responses to those choices.  The hurt that dwells upon my heart is real but I must step forward to be that which I wish to be.


First Step (What is prohibiting me?)


  1. Procrastination (Remedy - do it when I think about it)

  2. Distractions (Remedy - social media/gaming at a set time)

  3. Scheduling (Remedy - plan each night/review each morning)


Second Step (What do I want to accomplish?)

  1. Retire from working at 50

  2. Win a State Championship in Basketball

  3. Have a wife and children

  4. Live my life according to me

  5. Go on vacation with my family (mother, father, sister, and nieces)

  6. Live to be old enough to see flying cars and teleportation

  7. Host a Prominent Youtube Channel

  8. Have at least a  5 million dollars in the bank at 50


Third Step (How will I accomplish goals from the Second Step?)


  1. Teach approximately 5 more years and coach the remainder in college

  2. Create a championship atmosphere by continuing plan and keep expectations high for myself, players, staff, and parents

  3. Be serious about it and stop playing games

  4. Be my own critic and do not allow others to make decisions for me

  5. Text everyone and tell them they are going or else (after Covid-19)

  6. Eat healthier, exercise daily - walking the track or riding my bike

  7. Formulate the form and areas to discuss 

  8. Still thinking about that one


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