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Tossed Away

I sit atop the city, looking into the sun. Wanting to care for so much but understanding it is pointless. Everyone around me is chasing their ambition, looking for something greater. We all have become mesmerized by having more than the more we have. People want you to be as perfect as them. Be as in tune with the world as them. Nobody ever takes time to love people through their faults. There was a time when love was genuine, but now it is based on you continuously satisfying someone's vision of how you should be. You aren't bringing the world to them, so they want you out of theirs. I thought it made sense, but it matters not. You can never fully feed the image of a person in someone's head. The slightest blunder becomes a prophecy for future blunders. People toss you away as they view your blunders as indicators of your level of love for them. You did not care enough for me to be perfect, so I must go. I loved someone the best I could, but my best did not dance in the valley of perfection. Truthfully, it probably teetered between jerkish and absent-mindedness. I usually don't realize what I say until well after I have said it. It does not matter, however, because I am tired. Folks toss other folks away in the same fashion as they tossed unused and used napkins at the end of the cookout. Most of the time, seemingly clean napkins are left on the table with other trash, so folks are wondering if they have been used, so they toss them. It's easier. That is our world now; folks toss you away even if the bad in you is not that bad.

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