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Cast, Cast and Cast Again

Yesterday I replaced a fishing rod that I broke when I loaded it into my trunk. It is interesting because I analyzed and researched for days before choosing this particular rod before purchasing. Yesterday, I walked into Wal-Mart, gazed at a couple of rods, and picked two that seemed reasonable. I didn't think about it until now, but that was some growth. The other me would not have been able to do that. Before purchasing, I would have toiled over it for days and tried to make sure everything was as close to perfect as possible. Thank God for growth!

After purchasing my new rods, I went out to the lake and set up the reels. It only took a few moments, but I had to set up my lures. I have become better at it, but I think it still takes way too long. Yesterday was no different, but I eventually got both lures set up. I snagged something beneath the surface on my first cast and lost a lure. I attached another, and it was tied well, but as I cast, the line stayed, and the lure flew about 100 feet, and I lost another lure. I was genuinely frustrated, but I finally got my knot down and felt good about things. This cast seemed perfect, but it is now hanging from a tree at the lake. I wanted to give up, but I just sat down and tied another lure. I finally got both rods set up and had some time to fish.

That's me, in a nutshell, full of faux pas and mistakes. But with every weakness, there is an equal strength. My counter to my mistakes is a willingness to grow from them. I never let a challenging moment define me. I make mistakes, analyze, and see what I can do better next time. Many have written me off because they know a moment of my mistakes. I do not hide from my mistakes anymore. I stare at them and search for the chance to grow.

My Thoughts: A tree does not stop growing because of its environment. It just grows around, through, or with the environment.

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